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Articles with this tag
Most of you know me for my consistency, a golden arrow in my blog series. I've written 1000 articles in 1008 days! Almost an article a day, and my...
I often get asked how I create the headers for my articles. Thus I thought, let me write down how I do it and set it up. When writing, I used two...
A lot of people ask me why I write so much. And I thought this would make an excellent blog post article. My initial reasoning behind starting this...
Like many people, I started using Google Analytics because why not? It's a great way of tracking how many visitors the website got. At one point, a...
I noticed I'm always talking about canonical tags when advising fellow bloggers, but I never wrote this down on paper. So here we go, an article...
When you start exploring the blogging world, mainly technical writing, you'll encounter this question often. Some questions that might pop up on your...